Event Details
Note: This event occurred in the past. Information and links provided here are for historical reference and may no longer be valid.
Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center 211 E. DeSmet Ave.
Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center
(509) 313-2787 (ARTS)
211 E. DeSmet Ave.
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"The group mixes everything from punk-pop to traditional Ukrainian songs in cool yet beguiling textures, often with the close harmonies usually associated with Balkan music... the live shows really take DakhaBrakha beyond mere curiosity to utter brilliance." ~ NPRDakhaBrakha is a world-music quartet and ethnic chaos band from Kyiv, Ukraine. Accompanied by traditional instrumentation from different countries, the quartet's astonishingly powerful and uncompromising vocal range creates a trans-national sound rooted in Ukrainian culture that the ensemble has brought to audiences in concert halls and at festivals across the globe.