Event Details
Note: This event occurred in the past. Information and links provided here are for historical reference and may no longer be valid.
Date & Time
Monday, Mar 20, 2023 6:30 PM
Event Link
Gonzaga Center for Climate, Society, and the Environment
Free and open to the public
Hemmingson Auditorium, Gonzaga University
Gonzaga Climate Center climatecenter@gonzaga.edu
Event Type & Tags
About This Event
As communities across the nation experience changes to weather patterns, the ability for utility infrastructure (water, internet, and energy) to recover appropriately from storm events is facing unprecedented challenges. Rethinking the way we design and operate basic utility presents an opportunity to build resilient infrastructure. The sidewalk retrofit design concept presented challenges current transportation practices, with the inclusion of bi-facial solar, low frequency broadband, and innovative green infrastructure practices that provide communities with proactive, rather than reactive, utility management solutions.About the speaker: Advocate for the Laudato si' and Fratelli tutti Encyclicals, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the integration of decentralized utility in the face of a changing climate. Kevin is currently focused on development of a unique integrated utility management system intended to prevent the flooding and pollution problems in urban, suburban, and rural neighborhoods while providing resilient utility infrastructure for communities impacted by climate change.