Event Details
Note: This event occurred in the past. Information and links provided here are for historical reference and may no longer be valid.
About This Event
Gonzaga School of Law invites colleagues, alumni, and friends to honor the life of Professor Emeritus Mark Wilson, who passed away Nov. 24, 2020, in a virtual memorial on Thursday, Dec. 10 at 5 PM PT.Mark arrived at Gonzaga in 1974 and taught Clinical Law, Advocacy, and Legal Writing courses until 2005. He also established and served as co-director of the University Legal Assistance Clinic at the Law School from 1975 – 2003, and continued to support the program through 2016.
When awarded the Gonzaga Law Medal in 2015, Mark was recognized for his bold vision, his leadership, and his generous commitment to service. “The passage of three decades and the current popularity of clinical education obscures how bold and truly innovative Mark’s vision was,” notes the award announcement. “It is true to say that without his extraordinary efforts, Gonzaga’s initiative in clinical education would not have endured.”
His former colleagues described Mark as eccentric, committed, generous, and loving. He was a skilled and compassionate teacher who was dedicated to his students’ growth. Deeply thoughtful and expansive in his thinking, conversations with Mark always led to philosophical insights and new ideas. Mark exemplified the Jesuit spirit and was a beloved member of the Gonzaga Community who will truly be missed.
Those wishing to attend the memorial can register here. Those wishing to share personal stories or memories of Mark can do so by emailing lawalumni@gonzaga.edu.