Event Details
Date & Time
Tuesday, Oct 29, 2019 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Native American Studies
Free and open to the public.
Wolff Auditorium, Jepson Center on the campus of Gonzaga University
Event Type & Tags
About This Event
Paulette Jordan will show her documentary film from the campaign trail when she was running for governor of Idaho. She will follow that up with a short talk and time for Q&A.
About Paulette Jordan
Paulette Jordan, Idaho’s 2018 democratic gubernatorial candidate and first woman nominated to the position by a major party, is a proud member of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe. She is recognized in Idaho and across the nation as an inspirational and audacious leader. A descendant of Indigenous Chiefs, Paulette was raised to fight for the needs of her community and to protect the earth’s priceless natural resources. Growing up on a north Idaho farm and learning from her elders about land cultivation and preservation, she developed a strong connection to Idaho’s land and the people who share it. In 2008, after graduating from the University of Washington, Paulette returned home to Idaho and became the youngest person elected to the Coeur d’Alene Tribal Council.