Videos and Films

How do I find films or streaming videos available through Foley Library?

Feature films, documentaries, TV series, and educational videos are available through Foley Library. 

  • Streaming Video Databases: We subscribe to these online resources, that offer feature films, theater productions, documentaries, and educational videos.  You can access the databases directly to browse and view material but most titles are also searchable via Primo.
  • DVDs are available for checkout in the library

Search Primo for a title, topic, keyword, creator, or director, in Primo you cam limit your search results to locate specific video types

Select filters on the left Resource Type: Audio Visual

  • Streaming content: to limit search results to streaming videos select Availability: Full Text Online.
  • DVD: Alternately, to locate DVDs in the library, add the filter Availability: Available in the Library


Good to know:

  • Need to listen to watch a DVD but don't have a way to play it?  DVD drives and portable DVD player are available for checkout at the circulation desk; or reserve a study room with a TV and DVD player.


Looking for entertainment?

Our Kanopy database offers streaming access to award winning films from around the world, and access to many films in the Criterion Collection