Contact Information
Office Hours | Spring 2025
M, W: 2:00-3:30 (in person or Zoom) and W 5:30-6:30 (Zoom only)
Please schedule through Zoom scheduler or by email.- (509) 313-5583
Education & Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Hispanic Literature, Indiana University at Bloomington
M.A., Luso-Brazilian Literature, Indiana University at Bloomington
M.A., Hispanic Literature, Indiana University at Bloomington
B.A., Spanish, Certificate in Latin American Studies, Dickinson College
Courses Taught
MDLA 193: Witnessing Injustice: Testimonial Writing as a Tool for Change
SPAN 101 Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 201/202: Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 301/320: Advanced Spanish
SPAN 323: Latin American Pre-Hispanic-19th Century Literature
SPAN 324: Latin American 19th-20th Century Literature
SPAN 328 Survey of Women’s Literature
SPAN 380: Jewish Latin American Literature
SPAN 380 Queer Literature in Spanish
SPAN 380: Spanish-American Theater
SPAN 480 Indigenismo and Beyond
SPAN 480: Witnessing Injustice: Testimonial Literature in Latin America