
Dr. Melody Alsaker, Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Melody Alsaker, Ph.D

Dr. Logan Axon

Logan Axon, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor and Department Chair of Mathematics
  • (509) 313-3897
  • axon@gonzaga.edu
Portrait of Dr. Richard Cangelosi, Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Richard Cangelosi, Ph.D.

Profile Photo of Professor Vesta Coufal

Vesta Coufal, Ph.D.

Michelle Ghrist, Ph.D.

Michelle Ghrist, Ph.D.

Profile Photo of Mathematics Lecturer Colleen Goodwin

Colleen Goodwin

Tomás Guardia, Ph.D.

Tomás Guardia, Ph.D.

Dr. Eric Hogle

Eric Hogle, Ph.D.

Kate Kearny

M. Kate Kearney, Ph.D.

Profile Photo of Lecturer of Mathematics, Olga Kozubenko

Olga Kozubenko, M.S.M.

Dr. Dean Larson

Dean Larson, Ph.D.

Dr. MD Abdulla Al Mamun

MD Abdulla Al Mamun, Ph.D.

Thomas McKenzie, Ph.D.

Thomas McKenzie, Ph.D.

Dr. Shannon Overbay

Shannon Overbay, Ph.D.

  • Professor of Mathematics, Department Chair of Integrated Media
  • (509) 313-3901
  • overbay@gonzaga.edu
Profile Photo of Lecturer of Mathematics, Sarah Powers

Sarah Powers, M.S.M.

Rob Ray

Rob Ray

Bronze Bulldog outside of McCarthy Center

Kelvin Rivera-Lopez, Ph.D.

Dr. Katharine Shultis

Katharine Shultis, Ph.D.

Dr. Joseph Stover

Joseph Stover, Ph.D

Profile Photo of Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Hays Whitlatch

Hays Whitlatch, Ph.D.

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