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Course Catalog

Business Minors

Business Minors for all majors, including Business and Accounting:

Digital Marketing: 24 credits
Economics: 18 credits
Sustainable Business: 26 credits

Business Minors for Non-Business majors:

The School of Business offers minors in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Digital Marketing, Sustainable Business, General Business, Human Resource Management, Engineering Technologies, Analytical Finance, Management Information Systems, and Promotion to non-business students. Students desiring to pursue a minor should meet with a School of Business advisor early in their program to ensure development of a course sequencing plan. Students will not be allowed in classes with designated prerequisites unless that prerequisite has been satisfied. Also, students will not be allowed to take equivalent CLEP or other exams to replace or waive courses in the minor. 

Analytical Finance: 27-28 credits
Entrepreneurship and Innovation: 18 credits
General Business: 26 credits 
Management Information Systems: 17 credits
Promotion: 18 credits 
Engineering Technologies: 21 credits
Human Resource Management: 18 credits

Minor in Digital Marketing: 24 credits

Digital marketing is the present and future of marketing. Students with digital marketing knowledge and skills are well-positioned to succeed in modern marketing and e-commerce careers. The minor is designed to develop skills in content marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, web analytics, mobile marketing, app development, and more.

This minor pairs particularly well with business concentrations in marketing, MIS, and entrepreneurship. Students majoring in fields such as integrated media, public relations, communications, computer science, journalism, English, art, and psychology might also find the minor helpful in their professional pursuits.

Lower Division
BMIS 245 Technological Foundation of Digital Marketing 3 credits
Upper Division
MKTG 310 Principles of Marketing 3 credits
BMIS 443 Technology for Web and Mobile-based Business 3 credits
MKTG 402 Integrated Marketing Communications 3 credits
MKTG 410 Digital Marketing 3 credits
One of the following three courses: 3 credits
         MKTG 330 Marketing Research
MKTG 420 Data Visualization

MKTG 421 Business Analytics

One of the following two courses: 3 credits
INMD 360 Media Law

BMIS 331 Problem Solving & Programming Techniques

One of the following three courses: 3 credits
MKTG 318 Social Media Marketing

MKTG 319 Content Marketing
MKTG 411 Digital Advertising

NOTE: All upper division MKTG courses require a prerequisite of MKTG 310.

Sustainable Business Minor: 26 credits

This minor is designed primarily for business majors who want to learn more about environmental issues, but the minor would be available to anyone at Gonzaga University.

Students earning a Sustainable Business minor would be required to take courses from both the School of Business Administration and the Environmental Studies Department within the College of Arts & Sciences. The intention is to have these courses work together across disciplines to give students the necessary background in both business and environmental studies.

Lower Division
ENVS 101 Introduction to Environmental Studies 3 credits
One of the following science courses with lab:
4 credits
ENVS 103/ ENVS 103L Environmental Biology

ENVS 104/ ENVS 104L Environmental Chemistry

ENVS 200 Case studies in Environmental Science 4 credits
ECON 201 Microeconomics 3 credits
Upper Division
BENT 493 Social Entrepreneurship 3 credits
BUSN 430 Sustainable Business 3 credits
ECON 324 Economics of Environmental Protection 3 credits
One of the following courses: 3 credits
           ENVS 321 Ecological Thought & Politics  
           ENVS 326 Environmental Sociology  
           ENVS 352 Environmental Law & Policy   
           ENVS 353 Environmental History   
           ENVS 358 Environmental Ethics   
           ENVS 381 Ethics of Eating  

Minor in Business for Engineering Technologies: 21 credits

This minor is designed for engineering students (at present, students in the civil engineering and engineering management disciplines) at the undergraduate level.  It recognizes the career skills employers are looking for in engineers pursuing engineering and construction management roles. 

Required courses (15 credits) 
ECON 200 Economic Analysis  3 credits
MATH 321 Statistics for Experimentalists  3 credits
ACCT 263 Accounting Analysis  3 credits
BFIN 320 Principles of Finance  3 credits 
BUSN 283 Business Law 3 credits
Elective Courses (6 credits) *choose two of the following courses*
MKTG 310 Principles of Marketing 3 credits
ECON 324 Economics of Environmental Protection 3 credits
OPER 340 Operations Management 3 credits
MGMT 350 Principles of Management 3 credits
ENSC 405 Engineering Project Management 3 credits
BENT 490 Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship  

Minor in Human Resource Management: 18 credits 

This minor is designed for non-Business and non-Accounting majors. The minor helps students learn how to manage their own careers and help others succeed in the workplace.  

Lower Division (3 credits) * choose one of the following courses 
BUSN 230 Business Statistics 3 credits
SOCI 202 Statistics for Social Science 3 credits
PSYC 202 Statistics for Psychology  3 credits
MATH 121 Introductory Statistics  3 credits
MATH 321 Statistics for Experimentalists 3 credits
Upper Division (15 credits) *all courses listed are required
MGMT 350 Principles of Management 3 credits
MGMT 400 Recruitment and Selection 3 credits
MGMT 405 Compensation and Performance Appraisal 3 credits
MGMT 410 Training and Development 3 credits
MGMT 415 Employment Law 3 credits

Minor in Analytical Finance: 27-28 credits

The minor in analytical finance is intended for students with a secondary interest in either general corporate finance or investments. This field of study may be particularly useful to two groups of students: 1) mathematics majors interested in actuarial science careers and 2) those interested in a more finance-oriented minor than the general business minor program offers. Completion of ACCT 260-ACCT 261, ECON 201-ECON 202,  and one three-credit course in statistics with a minimum GPA of 2.70 and no lower than a C- in any one class is required to enroll in upper division courses required in the minor. Applications for admission to upper division business courses are available in the School of Business and must be approved before registration for upper division business courses. Students will not be allowed in classes with designated prerequisites unless that prerequisite has been satisfied.

Lower Division
ACCT 260 Principles of Accounting I 3 credits
ACCT 261 Principles of Accounting II 3 credits
ECON 201 Microeconomics 3 credits
ECON 202 Macroeconomics 3 credits
One of the following two courses 3-4 credits
MATH 114 Mathematical Analysis for Business

MATH 157 Calculus and Analytical Geometry

One of the following two courses: 3 credits
BUSN 230 Business Statistics

MATH 321 Statistics for Experimentalists

Upper Division
BFIN 320 Principles of Finance 3 credits
BFIN 322 Intermediate Finance 3 credits
BFIN 422 Investment Analysis 3 credits


Minor in Economics: 18 credits

Lower Division
ECON 201 Microeconomics 3 credits
ECON 202 Macroeconomics  3 credits
Upper Division
ECON 302 Intermediate Macroeconomics 3 credits
Two of the following two courses 6 credits
ECON 301Intermediate Microeconomics

ECON 320-340 Applied Microeconomics courses

any upper division ECON elective 3 credits


Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation: 18 credits

Any non-business student can earn a Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation through a curriculum incorporating fundamentals of business and entrepreneurial subjects. From idea generation, and opportunity seeking behavior, the program takes students through the entrepreneurial process and provides a body of thought which may compliment their major studies.

Lower Division

One of the following two courses

3 credits
ACCT 260 Principles of Accounting I

ACCT 263 Accounting Analysis

One of the following two courses

3 credits
ECON 200 Economic Analysis

ECON 201 Microeconomics

Upper Division
BENT 490 Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3 credits
BENT 491 Creating New Ventures 3 credits
One of the following two courses 3 credits
BENT 492 Technology Entrepreneurship

BENT 493 Social Entrepreneurship

One of the following two courses 3 credits
BENT 494 Small Business Consulting

BENT 495 New Venture Lab


General Business Minor: 26 credits

Completion of ACCT 260-ACCT 261 (or ACCT 263), ECON 201-ECON 202 (or ECON 200) and one three-credit course in statistics with a minimum GPA of 2.70 and a grade no lower than C- in any one class, must be earned to enroll in 300-level business courses required in the minor program. Applications for admission to upper division business courses are available in the School of Business and must be approved before registration for upper division business courses.

Lower Division
BUSN 111 Business Computing  2 credits

One of the following combinations

3-6 credits 

ACCT 263 Accounting Analysis

3 credits
ACCT 260-ACCT 261
6 credits

One of the following combinations

3-6 credits 

ECON 200 Economic Analysis

3 credits
ECON 201-ECON 202
6 credits
BUSN 230 Business Statistics or MATH 321 3 credits
Upper Division
MKTG 310 Principles of Marketing 3 credits
BFIN 320 Principles of Finance 3 credits
MGMT 350 Principles of Management 3 credits
Electives: 0-6 credits
BMIS 235 Management Information Systems

BUSN 283 Business Law

OPER 340 Operations Management


Minor in Management Information Systems: 17 credits

The world has moved into the information age. Information technology and its applications affect every walk of life by improving the productivity of individuals. As a result, social, economic, and organizational structures change rapidly. The minor in management information systems is intended for all non-business students, especially those in computer science and engineering degree programs, to have a basic understanding of how business operates and how information systems affect today’s organizations.

Lower Division
BUSN 111 Business Computing* 2 credits
BMIS 235 Management Information Systems** 3 credits
Upper Division
BMIS 331 Problem-Solving and Programming Techniques              3 credits
BMIS 342 Data Analytics for Business 3 credits
BMIS 441 Database Management 3 credits
BMIS 444 Information Systems Analysis and Design 3 credits

*BUSN 111 may be waived in some cases. See the Associate Dean for more information.
**BUSN 111 is a prerequisite for BMIS 325

Minor in Promotion: 18 credits

The minor in promotion is offered to non-business majors. The focus is how to communicate effectively and efficiently through a variety of methods with any target audience. Students must complete three required courses as well as three courses from the approved elective courses listed below.

Required Courses (9 credits)
MKTG 310 Principles of Marketing 3 credits
MKTG 315 Consumer Behavior 3 credits
MKTG 402 Marketing Communications 3 credits
Approved Elective Courses 9 credits
MKTG 318 Social Media Marketing

MKTG 319 Content Marketing

MKTG 342 Graphic Design

MKTG 410 Digital Marketing

MKTG 411 Digital Advertising

MKTG 418 Personal Selling

MKTG 490 Promotion Project*
           *with marketing faculty approval

PRLS 310 Writing for Public Relations  
PRLS 460 Public Relations Campaign

Students desiring to pursue this minor should meet with a School of Business advisor early in their program to ensure development of a course sequencing plan. MKTG 310 is a prerequisite for most other marketing courses. MKTG 315 is a prerequisite for MKTG 402.