The study of communication and culture in a global world cannot and must not be apolitical, ahistorical, or blind to the messy entanglements of power and privilege. Therefore, this course will focus on the intersections between critical race theory, feminist theory, and critical intercultural communication in order to interrogate and examine the ways in which our social identities and locations affect the contexts of our lives including our opportunities, relationships, and overall understanding of the world. Specifically, this course will engage the work of Black Feminist scholars and ongoing scholarly conversations on intersectionality to analyze intercultural encounters and engagement. Fall.
COMM 320 Minimum Grade: C
or COMM 340 Minimum Grade: C
INST 430 - OK if taken since Fall 2018
SOSJ 466 - OK if taken since Fall 2018
SOSJ 466 - OK if taken since Fall 2018