Jamie Bartlett, Ph.D.

Lecturer, Kinesiology & Sport Management

Prior to coming aboard full-time in Kinesiology, Jamie served as the Director of the Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center at Gonzaga University. She holds a doctorate in Integrative Physiology from the University of Colorado, a path that took her on a journey...

Jamie Bartlett

Contact Information

Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., Integrative Physiology, University of Colorado
M.B.A., Entrepreneurship and Sustainability,University of Colorado
M.A., Nonprofit Leadership and Management, Metropolitan State University
M.S., Kinesiology, University of Colorado
B.A., Kinesiology, Political Science, University of Colorado

Prior to coming aboard full-time in Kinesiology, Jamie served as the Director of the Lincoln LGBTQ+ Resource Center at Gonzaga University. She holds a doctorate in Integrative Physiology from the University of Colorado, a path that took her on a journey as a Medical Service Corps Officer in the US Navy, university lecturer, and product developer in sport nutrition. After leaving the Navy, she used the GI Bill to expand her education by earning an MBA with a focus on entrepreneurship and sustainability. This launched her into the startup business world where she helped lead a STEM Maker company and later as a mentor for new startups across the state of Minnesota. Her pandemic project was to earn another Masters, this time in Nonprofit Leadership and Management. This has been useful as the founder of The 509 Syndicate, the first soccer supporter group for the professional teams coming to Spokane. When not working or hanging with her family – which includes her wife Carrie (an ER doc at Sacred Heart), their daughter Izzy (a recent graduate of University of Oregon), and their four-legged furballs (2 mutts and 2 cats) – she spends time building things out of upcycled wood or gardening.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Bartlett, JL, Shannon, K, Galarneau, MR (2015) Mental health and fitness testing outcomes in U.S. Marines. Military Psychology (Internal Publication Only)
  • Bartlett, JL, Phillips, J, Galarneau, MR (2015) A descriptive study of the U.S. Marine Corps fitness tests (2000-2012) Military Medicine 180(5) 513-517.
  • Bartlett, JL, Sumner, B, Ellis, R, Kram R (2014) Activity and functions of the human gluteal muscles in walking, running, sprinting and climbing American Journal of Physical Anthropology 153(1): 124-131.
  • Bartlett, JL, Sessoms, PH, Reini, S (2013) Strength through science: Using virtual technology to advance the warfighter Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine 84(2) 165-166.
  • Rauh, MJ, Aralis, HJ, Melcer, T, Macera, CA, Sessoms, PH, Bartlett, JL, Galarneau, MR (2013) Effect of Traumatic Brain Injury among US Service members with amputations in OIF and OEF. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 50(2):161-172.
  • Gottshall, KR, Bartlett, JL, Sessoms, PH (2012) Vestibular physical therapy intervention: Utilizing a Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment in lieu of traditional physical therapy. Conference Proceedings IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2012:6141-6144.
  • Bartlett, JL and Kram, R (2008) Changing the demand on specific muscle groups affects the walk-run transition. Journal of Experimental Biology 211:1281-128.

Invited Presentations

  • Cold Water Survival Physiology. Invited lecture for the Naval Operational Support Center, OSHU Bremerton DET O, Buckley Air Force Base, CO, 2014.

  • The Future of Research for Wounded Warriors. Presented at the Wounded Warriors and their Families Conference hosted by NMCSD. San Diego, CA, 2011.

  • Exercise as therapy for the wounded warrior: Interaction of Physical activity, Brain Injury, and PTSD. Institute for Clinical and Translational Science. University of California, Irvine. Irvine, CA, 2011.

  • Utilizing advanced technology for rehabilitation and performance. Presented to the International CAREN User Group Meeting. Bethesda, MD, 2011.

  • Surveillance of mTBI. Presented at the Wounded Ill and Injured Strategic Offsite Panel Review. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Washington, D.C, 2010.

Technical Reports

  • Bartlett, JL, Jameson, J, Larson, J, Aralis, HA, Markwald, RR (2012) Program evaluation of the Naval Special Warfare Third Location Decompression (TLD) Program. (For Official Use Only)
  • Kobus, DA, Brown, CM, Wu, L, Robusto, K, Bartlett, J (2011) Cognitive performance and physiological changes under heavy load carriage. DoD TR-A864155.

Meeting Presentations & Abstracts

  • Shannon, KS, Bartlett, JL, Galarneau, MR (2015) Military Health System Research Symposium, Ft Lauderdale, FL.
  • Bartlett, JL, Phillips, J, Galarneau, MR (2014) Annual fitness test performance and mental health outcomes in US Marines, Military Health System Research Symposium, Ft Lauderdale, FL.
  • Bartlett, JL, Han, PP, Galarneau, MR (2013) Gender neutrality in the Marine Corps Combat Fitness Test. Military Health System Research Symposium, Ft Lauderdale, FL.
  • Sumner, B, Bartlett, JL, Ellis, R, Kram R (2013) Activity and functions of the human gluteal muscles in walking, running, sprinting and climbing. American Association of Physical Anthropologists Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN.
  • Sessoms, P., Gottshall, K, Reini, S, Bartlett, J (2012) Assessment of a physical and cognitive immersive virtual environment for vestibular physical therapy. Military Health System Research Symposium, Ft Lauderdale FL.
  • Bartlett, JL and Robusto, K. (2012) Physiological cost of heavy load carriage. American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Gainesville, FL.
  • Collins, JD, Sessoms, PH, Bartlett, JL (2012) Walking speed overground and on a feedback-controlled treadmill. American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting. Gainesville, Fl.
  • Rauh, MJ, Aralis, HJ, Macera, CA, Bartlett, JL, MacGregor, AJ, Han, PP, Galarneau, MR (2012) Gender comparisons of sports/recreation- and training-related injuries among U.S. service members in Operation Iraqi Freedom. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA Med Sci Sport Exer 44: 841.Rauh, MJ, Aralis, HJ, Macera, CA, Bartlett, JL,
  • Boswell, LL, Sessoms, PH, MacGregor, AJ, Han, PP, Galarneau, MR (2012) Non-battle knee-related injuries among U.S. service members in OIF. Combined Sections Meeting American Physical Therapy Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Bartlett, JL and Sessoms, PH (2011) Preferred walking speed in a virtual environment. Presented at the American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA.
  • Bartlett, JL, MacGregor, AJ, Heltmes, KJ, Galarneau, MR (2011) The relationship between combat related traumatic brain injury and gait. Presented at the Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society annual Meeting, Bethesda, MD.
  • Bartlett, JL, Sessoms, P, Sander, TC (2009) Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN) for use in the Clinical and Warfighter Performance Research Setting. Presented at the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Annual Meeting, St Louis, MO.
  • Bartlett, JL and Kram, R (2009) Disintegrating the metabolic cost of walking: Propulsion, leg swing, and lateral stability across speed. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine, Seattle, WA.
  • Bartlett, JL and Kram, R (2007) Changing the demand on specific muscle groups affects the walk-run transition. Presented at the American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.
  • Murray (Bartlett), JB and Kram, R (2003) Efficiency of Amputee Cycling Med Sci Sport Exer 35 (5): Supplement, 2003 Presented at the National Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, CA.

Funded Research Projects

  • (2012-14) BUMED WII #W263, Combat Fitness, Gender and Resilience $214K, Role: CO-I
  • (2011-12) DMRDP Psychological Health, Polytrauma, Operational Health Program,Rapid Absorption Caffeine as a Countermeasure against Sleep Inertia Impairments in Cognitive Performance $367K, Role: CO-I
  • (2011-12) NSWG-1 Special Funding, Program Evaluation of the Naval Special Warfare Third Location Decompression Program $311K, Role: PI
  • (2010-13) DHPe 6.7, Expanding Immersion Capabilities for Reset and Performance $1.9M, Role: PI
  • (2008-13) BUMED PH-TBI #116, Surveillance of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Military Personnel $6.6M, Role: PI