The Mission
The Spokane Intercollegiate Research Conference (SIRC) provides an opportunity for students from across majors and disciplines to present their research and scholarship, receive meaningful feedback, and develop scholarly community. SIRC is a great opportunity for students at all levels of their academic career to gain practice speaking and presenting as well as experience a conference environment in a relaxed, friendly setting while learning about the wealth of research in our community.
About the Conference
SIRC is organized by Gonzaga University and Whitworth University, alternating between campuses each year. This celebration of primarily undergraduate research is open to all students in the Spokane area and costs nothing to attend. Although the event primarily supports undergraduate research, we would love to provide a venue for all students in our community to celebrate their research as well. This conference is open to the public. We look forward to seeing you at SIRC!
SIRC 2025 will be hosted by Gonzaga University on May 3rd, 2025 in the Hemmingson Center.
Schedule (tentative; final schedule released in mid-April)
Check-in: 8:00-8:45 am
Welcome: 9:00 am
Sessions: 9:00 - 12:00 pm
Lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Sessions: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Panel Discussion: 3:00 pm
Closing Remarks: 4:00 pm
Ready to apply? Have the following on hand when ready to submit your application:
- Faculty Sponsor/Mentor/Instructor name, department, and email address (be sure this info is accurate!)
- Project Title
- Project Keywords (words relating to your topic to help us sort your presentation into a grouping of similar topics)
- Abstract (200 words max)
- If your presentation is part of a course, provide: course department, course number, and instructor's name
- Co-presenter names and email addresses