School of Education Stories Home School of Education School of Education Stories Rethinking Native American Education September 06, 2017 The School of Education partners with local tribes to shine light on the challenges Native American students face School of Education Hosts National Conference September 06, 2017 Young Child Expo and Conference (YCEC) brings national attention, exposure, and attendees to Spokane Sport Management Panel Connects Students September 06, 2017 The Sport and Physical Education department partnered with Career and Professional Development to host a Sport Management Panel Discussion. Students Travel to Present Marketing Plan September 06, 2017 Gonzaga University Sport and Physical Education students present sport marketing plan for Vancouver, WA area high school. Supporting Local Refugees September 06, 2017 The School of Education plays an important role is supporting Spokane’s refugee families Why I teach September 06, 2017 Lauren Macey, MIT '12, shares a special story about why she loves teaching. Dr. Deborah Nieding, Associate Professor, Chair of Teacher Education September 05, 2017 Teacher Education Chair challenges the next generation to think globally. Lauren Macey, Masters in Initial Teaching Alumni '12 September 05, 2017 Lauren Macey, MIT ’12, exemplifies all of our graduates with her life-changing account of her daily motivation. Boat Building Project Led by Alumna Marcy Ray a Vessel for Learning September 01, 2017 SPOKANE, Wash. – Gonzaga University alumna Marcy Ray, a first-year English Language Development teacher at Shaw Middle School, led a summer-school... Gonzaga Welcomes Strongest Academic Class Ever August 24, 2017 The 1,265 first-year students Gonzaga University welcomes to campus this week represent the strongest academic class in its 130-year history. Spreading Glitter August 23, 2017 Patrick Mulick makes a difference as an autism specialist and inspirational and instructional speaker SOE Dean Alfonso Honored August 10, 2017 APA Honors Dean Alfonso with Bardon Distinguished Service Award Alumni Spotlight: Megan Finnerty, Teacher Education, ’16 June 22, 2017 The Gonzaga University School of Education profiles alumna Megan Finery, Teacher Education, '16. Because She Could June 12, 2017 Lauren Zeutenhorst doesn't let MS stop her - not even from running the Boston Marathon Alumni Profile: Scott Kasenga ('16) June 01, 2017 Learn how Gonzaga School of Education professors enhanced Scott’s career impact. Assignments With Impact April 12, 2017 Inspired by "The Life You Can Save" by Peter Singer, Gonzaga English Senior Lecturer Ginger Grey made actionable elements of service learning the core... Previous 1 ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next
Rethinking Native American Education September 06, 2017 The School of Education partners with local tribes to shine light on the challenges Native American students face School of Education Hosts National Conference September 06, 2017 Young Child Expo and Conference (YCEC) brings national attention, exposure, and attendees to Spokane Sport Management Panel Connects Students September 06, 2017 The Sport and Physical Education department partnered with Career and Professional Development to host a Sport Management Panel Discussion. Students Travel to Present Marketing Plan September 06, 2017 Gonzaga University Sport and Physical Education students present sport marketing plan for Vancouver, WA area high school. Supporting Local Refugees September 06, 2017 The School of Education plays an important role is supporting Spokane’s refugee families Why I teach September 06, 2017 Lauren Macey, MIT '12, shares a special story about why she loves teaching. Dr. Deborah Nieding, Associate Professor, Chair of Teacher Education September 05, 2017 Teacher Education Chair challenges the next generation to think globally. Lauren Macey, Masters in Initial Teaching Alumni '12 September 05, 2017 Lauren Macey, MIT ’12, exemplifies all of our graduates with her life-changing account of her daily motivation. Boat Building Project Led by Alumna Marcy Ray a Vessel for Learning September 01, 2017 SPOKANE, Wash. – Gonzaga University alumna Marcy Ray, a first-year English Language Development teacher at Shaw Middle School, led a summer-school... Gonzaga Welcomes Strongest Academic Class Ever August 24, 2017 The 1,265 first-year students Gonzaga University welcomes to campus this week represent the strongest academic class in its 130-year history. Spreading Glitter August 23, 2017 Patrick Mulick makes a difference as an autism specialist and inspirational and instructional speaker SOE Dean Alfonso Honored August 10, 2017 APA Honors Dean Alfonso with Bardon Distinguished Service Award Alumni Spotlight: Megan Finnerty, Teacher Education, ’16 June 22, 2017 The Gonzaga University School of Education profiles alumna Megan Finery, Teacher Education, '16. Because She Could June 12, 2017 Lauren Zeutenhorst doesn't let MS stop her - not even from running the Boston Marathon Alumni Profile: Scott Kasenga ('16) June 01, 2017 Learn how Gonzaga School of Education professors enhanced Scott’s career impact. Assignments With Impact April 12, 2017 Inspired by "The Life You Can Save" by Peter Singer, Gonzaga English Senior Lecturer Ginger Grey made actionable elements of service learning the core...