Silviu Rogobete, University Professor in the Department of Political Sciences, West University of Timișoara (WUT), Romania
September 19, 2024

(Geo)politics & Post-truth

Event Details

Date & Time

Thursday, Sep 19, 2024 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM


Organizational Leadership

Co-Sponsored by Center for Global Engagement


Hemmingson 314B

About This Event

The current (geo)political reconfiguration tendencies are highly influenced by various facets of the post-truth era. What does this mean? What are the implications for individuals as well as state political actors? Moreover, what are the implications for current security policies and actions at national as well as international levels? Please join us in reflecting and searching together for possible answers?

This initiative and public lecture engages and compels our responsibility and obligation to be informed, get involved, stay open to compromise, remain civil, and promote the common good in a challenging post-truth era.

About the Speaker

Silviu Rogobete is a University Professor in the Department of Political Sciences, West University of Timișoara (WUT), Romania, where he teaches courses such as: Human Rights, Religion and Politics, Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs, Globalization and Human Security, Moral Self and Contemporary Politics. In the period 2006-2013 he was employed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, serving as Consul General of Romania in South Africa. During this period, he went through several stages of training in diplomacy, foreign affairs and issues related to global security. Currently, Professor Rogobete is the Director of the Doctoral School of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Sciences within WUT. In October 2016 he was appointed Honorary Professor of Stellenbosch University (School of Public Leadership), South Africa. Since 2018, he has been a member of the Executive Academic Board of the European Security and Defense College of the EU, where he recently completed the Advanced strategic course in security and defense. Also, within this college, he proposed and coordinated two courses (Diplomatic Skills for CSDP and Advanced Course on Diplomacy for Peace, Security and Defense), which became permanent courses offered by the college.

Silviu Rogobete obtained his first degree in Engineering at the "Traian Vuia" Polytechnic University in Timișoara (1987). After the fall of the communist regime in 1989, he obtained a scholarship to study in the UK, obtaining a BA (1994) and a PhD (1998) in Theology and Religious Studies, both awarded by Brunel University, London. In the summer of 2001 and 2002, as a Visiting Academic, he received postdoctoral training in Human rights under Professor David Robertson at St Hugh's College, University of Oxford. His list of publications includes: Human rights: origins and practices (2015); An ontology of love (Iasi: Polirom, 2005) as well as a number of academic articles published by Springer Nature (Religion and Human Rights Series), Routledge or academic journals such as Religion, State and Society. Currently, he has published with Routledge a study about the securitization of religion, lessons learned from Russia's war against Ukraine. In 1998 he founded the Areopagus Center for Christian Studies and Contemporary Culture, and in 2001 the Regional Center for Social Integration and Human Development.