A picture of artificial intelligence generated by artificial intelligence
July 26, 2024

Leadership in the AI Revolution

Event Details

Date & Time

Friday, Jul 26, 2024 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Event Link

Zoom link


Gonzaga University School of Leadership Studies 





Event Type & Tags

  • Academics

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About This Event

In a world increasingly shaped by Artificial Intelligence (AI), the need for skilled leaders who can ethically leverage this transformative technology is greater than ever. The Gonzaga University School of Leadership Studies is excited to announce the offering of the Leadership in the AI Revolution Graduate Certificate. Intrigued? Learn more by joining us for a 30-minute info session on July 26th at 12:00 pm with our Dean Jeff Borden! Please email GonzagaLead@Gonzaga.edu to RSVP and to receive your calendar invitation with the Zoom link, which is https://gonzaga.zoom.us/j/97008617982

The Leadership in the AI Revolution Certificate will empower you to navigate the evolving landscape of AI with confidence and integrity, ensuring you are at the forefront to extend organizational capacity as the leader we all need. From effective prompt engineering to AI’s role as a communication tool, you will gain insight into AI's potential to anticipate human thought, behavior and emotions, as well as its limitations and risks. Beyond simply delving into AI fundamentals, you will work through ethical considerations of AI utilization using a values-based framework and learn best practices for strategic implementation of tools and platforms.

A crucial aspect of this certificate is its emphasis on practical application. You will construct your own AI portfolio which will not only showcase your proficiency in selecting, prioritizing, and vetting AI tools but will also demonstrate your preparedness to make intentional decisions that positively impact people, processes, and productivity. The capstone course provides the opportunity to bring tools into realistic strategies as you integrate AI into organizational processes.

We look forward to giving you additional details at the AI Revolution Info Session on July 26th at 12pm!