STEM at Gonzaga Home Academics Bollier Center for Science & Engineering The Latest in STEM at Gonzaga Opening Minds to Approach Complex Problems March 16, 2021 How Dr. Steve ('67) and Marge Brenneke are improving Gonzaga students' ability to collaborate across disciplines in science and engineering. Showing Up to Empower Future Engineers March 12, 2021 What inspired Gonzaga Regent Joe Lincoln ('88) to show up in support of the Integrated Science and Engineering facility Seven Zags and a Significant Impact March 08, 2021 How Jerry Abrams ('07) was inspired to support Gonzaga students through the Integrated Science and Engineering facility. Stronger Together Supporting the ISE February 24, 2021 Mike ('63) and Sunny ('65) Strong share why showing up to support the Integrated Science and Engineering facility at GU was important to them. Entrepreneurship, Innovation Advance January 22, 2021 After more than two decades developing leaders through the Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, Gonzaga doubles down on preparing innovators in... Showing Up to Share the Zag Experience November 09, 2020 How a Gonzaga business grad's significant support for STEM will have an impact on Zags in all fields of study. There Will Always Be Need in the World October 27, 2020 Gonzaga 1973 engineering alumnus Fred Reinel shares why showing up for others is such an important part of life. Building on a Foundation of Faith September 21, 2020 Learn why the Dzenitis family has chosen to make the next generation of STEM professionals educated at Gonzaga a philanthropic priority. Powering the Potential in Students January 17, 2020 Scott Morris made a career in making and distributing power for others. Now he and his wife Liz are powering the potential in students by sustaining... Angela Jones: Education, Equity & Faith December 04, 2019 Angela Jones' leadership revolves around passion equitable access to education, and a strong personal faith. Nicholas Carr to Discuss 'What Our Smartphones Are Doing to Our ... October 11, 2019 The acclaimed author and essayist best known for his books on technology, economics and culture will deliver Gonzaga's Arnold Lecture. The event is... Gonzaga Launches Construction of Transformative Integrated ... September 27, 2019 The $56 million facility heralds a new phase of expansion in STEM-related educational and interdisciplinary collaboration, enabling faculty and... Previous 1 2 3 4 5
Opening Minds to Approach Complex Problems March 16, 2021 How Dr. Steve ('67) and Marge Brenneke are improving Gonzaga students' ability to collaborate across disciplines in science and engineering. Showing Up to Empower Future Engineers March 12, 2021 What inspired Gonzaga Regent Joe Lincoln ('88) to show up in support of the Integrated Science and Engineering facility Seven Zags and a Significant Impact March 08, 2021 How Jerry Abrams ('07) was inspired to support Gonzaga students through the Integrated Science and Engineering facility. Stronger Together Supporting the ISE February 24, 2021 Mike ('63) and Sunny ('65) Strong share why showing up to support the Integrated Science and Engineering facility at GU was important to them. Entrepreneurship, Innovation Advance January 22, 2021 After more than two decades developing leaders through the Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, Gonzaga doubles down on preparing innovators in... Showing Up to Share the Zag Experience November 09, 2020 How a Gonzaga business grad's significant support for STEM will have an impact on Zags in all fields of study. There Will Always Be Need in the World October 27, 2020 Gonzaga 1973 engineering alumnus Fred Reinel shares why showing up for others is such an important part of life. Building on a Foundation of Faith September 21, 2020 Learn why the Dzenitis family has chosen to make the next generation of STEM professionals educated at Gonzaga a philanthropic priority. Powering the Potential in Students January 17, 2020 Scott Morris made a career in making and distributing power for others. Now he and his wife Liz are powering the potential in students by sustaining... Angela Jones: Education, Equity & Faith December 04, 2019 Angela Jones' leadership revolves around passion equitable access to education, and a strong personal faith. Nicholas Carr to Discuss 'What Our Smartphones Are Doing to Our ... October 11, 2019 The acclaimed author and essayist best known for his books on technology, economics and culture will deliver Gonzaga's Arnold Lecture. The event is... Gonzaga Launches Construction of Transformative Integrated ... September 27, 2019 The $56 million facility heralds a new phase of expansion in STEM-related educational and interdisciplinary collaboration, enabling faculty and...
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