Mission in Action Home About Gonzaga University Our Mission and Jesuit Values Mission in Action Stories A Year in Service to Others May 12, 2021 Twenty-four members of the Class of 2021 have chosen a year of service following their graduation from Gonzaga. In The News: U.S. House Chaplain Fr. Conroy Returns to GU April 21, 2021 Father Pat Conroy, S.J. moves into Catherine-Monica after a decade at the Capitol, serving the House of Representatives Kispert: A Man for All Seasons March 17, 2021 Corey Kispert remains humble and a team-player in the face of massive success. Preserving Memories on the Mount February 04, 2021 Thanks to the generosity of several Gonzaga alumni, the Jesuit Cemetery underwent beautification to honor those lying at rest. Voting as a Just Society: Three-part series hosted by Mission and Ministry October 28, 2020 A series of lectures was put on by the Office of Mission and Ministry to explore elections in light of Catholic Social Thought. Gonzaga Scholars Awarded Grant to Host Conference on Sexual Abuse ... September 22, 2020 Gonzaga University has been awarded a $40,000 grant to host a four-day research conference in spring 2022 as part of a new interdisciplinary... The Rebirth of Reconciliation August 27, 2020 How do we achieve reconciliation in a time of divide, specifically related to matters of diversity? Here's a look at some of Gonzaga's responses and... 2020 Gonzaga Staff Awards for Mission & Innovation June 17, 2020 Gonzaga's Staff Assembly recognizes employees who have demonstrated exceptional support of the mission and created innovative solutions in the 2019-20... Incarnating our Mission of Reconciliation by Working for Justice May 29, 2020 Guided by the second Universal Apostolic Preference, the Office of Mission and Ministry shares some reflections and resources on reconciliation... Manoj Thirupal Opens Jesuit Tech May 05, 2020 Manoj Thirupal become one of the fellas in the Della Strada Jesuit Community when invited to live in a guest room in exchange for technical... A Moment of Silence April 28, 2020 Gonzaga Magazine's editor shares a moment of reflection on silent retreats offered by Mission & Ministry Leaning into the Tension April 27, 2020 Father Steve Hess, S.J. led alumni in conversations about living out Jesuit ideals in tough times My Surprising Senior Year, Baking, and Being with Jesus April 15, 2020 None of us would’ve foreseen that all that we were looking forward to would change. It’s definitely been hard to wrap our heads around the way... Opportunity Northeast: Prayer for the Community April 15, 2020 A prayer for the Northeast Spokane neighborhoods – and the greater Spokane community – during the time of COVID-19. Holy Week and Easter Resources April 09, 2020 Gonzaga offers resources for prayer and contemplation during this Holy Week. Palm Sunday Like Never Before April 05, 2020 Ally Clapp describes experiencing Palm Sunday in our unprecedented times. Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next
A Year in Service to Others May 12, 2021 Twenty-four members of the Class of 2021 have chosen a year of service following their graduation from Gonzaga. In The News: U.S. House Chaplain Fr. Conroy Returns to GU April 21, 2021 Father Pat Conroy, S.J. moves into Catherine-Monica after a decade at the Capitol, serving the House of Representatives Kispert: A Man for All Seasons March 17, 2021 Corey Kispert remains humble and a team-player in the face of massive success. Preserving Memories on the Mount February 04, 2021 Thanks to the generosity of several Gonzaga alumni, the Jesuit Cemetery underwent beautification to honor those lying at rest. Voting as a Just Society: Three-part series hosted by Mission and Ministry October 28, 2020 A series of lectures was put on by the Office of Mission and Ministry to explore elections in light of Catholic Social Thought. Gonzaga Scholars Awarded Grant to Host Conference on Sexual Abuse ... September 22, 2020 Gonzaga University has been awarded a $40,000 grant to host a four-day research conference in spring 2022 as part of a new interdisciplinary... The Rebirth of Reconciliation August 27, 2020 How do we achieve reconciliation in a time of divide, specifically related to matters of diversity? Here's a look at some of Gonzaga's responses and... 2020 Gonzaga Staff Awards for Mission & Innovation June 17, 2020 Gonzaga's Staff Assembly recognizes employees who have demonstrated exceptional support of the mission and created innovative solutions in the 2019-20... Incarnating our Mission of Reconciliation by Working for Justice May 29, 2020 Guided by the second Universal Apostolic Preference, the Office of Mission and Ministry shares some reflections and resources on reconciliation... Manoj Thirupal Opens Jesuit Tech May 05, 2020 Manoj Thirupal become one of the fellas in the Della Strada Jesuit Community when invited to live in a guest room in exchange for technical... A Moment of Silence April 28, 2020 Gonzaga Magazine's editor shares a moment of reflection on silent retreats offered by Mission & Ministry Leaning into the Tension April 27, 2020 Father Steve Hess, S.J. led alumni in conversations about living out Jesuit ideals in tough times My Surprising Senior Year, Baking, and Being with Jesus April 15, 2020 None of us would’ve foreseen that all that we were looking forward to would change. It’s definitely been hard to wrap our heads around the way... Opportunity Northeast: Prayer for the Community April 15, 2020 A prayer for the Northeast Spokane neighborhoods – and the greater Spokane community – during the time of COVID-19. Holy Week and Easter Resources April 09, 2020 Gonzaga offers resources for prayer and contemplation during this Holy Week. Palm Sunday Like Never Before April 05, 2020 Ally Clapp describes experiencing Palm Sunday in our unprecedented times.